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I'm a lazy SOB (09.04.2002 - 11:38 p.m.)

God how lazy I've been today. Having not got up until nearly midday, and having done nothing since then. I was planning to go out but once again Mr. Apathetic came out and wouldn't let me. Haven't even moved much today either, and for some reason I'm feeling kind of tired despite sleeping for ages and doing nothing. It's probably the doing nothing that is making me feel so tired of course, but I really can't bring myself to do anything much. Even mustering the effort to write this took a couple of hours.

Anyways, what else.... I'm still waiting for a few review site I submitted my diary for review to, to actually get around to reviewing it. Not that I'm complaining, I understand they're busy. Just something to write about heh.

I reread my design views review and realised that it was actually a very nice review, that cheered me up a bit. On the subject of designs, I've decided I'm not going to have the code for designs I've done freely available to everyone. This is partly because I can't be bothered with putting it into the text boxes within the designs. The main reason is so that people have to email me about it, then I will send them the code, and remove the layout from my page. That way you get a unique layout. I have done a lot more than are currently on my layouts page, just need to upload them some time.

That's all for now I guess. Laters.

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