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Tokyo comics and shops (08.04.2002 - 2:49 a.m.)

Well a quick post before I head for bed methinks. Tonight I've been designing layouts and reading an online comic which I suddenly remembered about. It rocks I might add.

Helped Bonnie with her new layout which is brilliant even though I do say so myself. Have a looksie here.

Tomorrow Bonnie has a driving lesson which I hope will go well for her. It will be a very good thing for her to learn to drive, liberating even. She doesn't feel as panicky in a car as she does on foot or on the bus. Will have to try out what the counsellors suggested tomorrow - Bonnie walk to the shops with me following behind so she feels like she's on her own but she knows I'm there if she needs me. Then keep doing that every day with me getting gradually further and further behind. I hope it helps, I just want to help Bonnie get over this, so she can be happy with herself.

Other than that I don't think there's anything else needs to be done tomorrow.... oh, except the tidying up we didn't do today because we're too damned lazy.

And Manpower better get back to me soon about this bloody directory enquiries job. I need a job. I need something to do and I need income. Otherwise we could find ourselves in some serious bother. Ahh so what, the worst that can happen is me end up homeless. Bonnie will be alright, because she can go and live with her parents again rather than sleep on the streets with me. I on the other hand couldn't travel down there with her, and I couldn't go back to live with my mother.

What the hell am I talking about, we're going to be fine dammit. I'm just being silly heh :)

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