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Hospital (12.05.2003 - 18:45)

I've had a pretty crap day today. Firstly I had to eat lunch and wait till I started feeling shit (as I invariably do now), and then go to the hospital for a blood test. That took an hour and when I got back a guy came knocking on the door needing to ring an ambulance because a guy had collapsed in the flat opposite ours.

Then I ended up talking to some fucking drugged up bitch on the doorstep for ages while she went on about bollocks and sniffed gas. This upset Bonnie and she started thinking about things and I had to try and cheer her up. I love her so much. I hate it when she cries.

Then I scalded my thumb and it's pretty painful and weeping. Now I'm feeling like shit again and I still don't know why. Will be at least a week before I know and even then they might not have worked out what's wrong. This body sucks.

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